Wednesday, August 27, 2008

30 Things about ME!!!

  1. I like cooking
  2. I like board games.
  3. I prefer texting over calling people.
  4. If I'm really bored tears will come out of my eyes
  5. I love to read if it's a good book
  6. I want to dye my hair dark red
  7. I survived hiking on the grand canyon
  8. When I was smaller I collected seashells and feathers
  9. I love eating junk food
  10. I like typing smiley faces. :)
  11. Vitamin water is good
  12. I like shows like invader Zim, Family guy, and Monk
  13. I want to learn Japanese
  14. I love Thai food
  15. Kindergarten was my favorite school year ever
  16. I'm a pesceterian
  17. I sing in the shower
  18. I laugh a lot
  19. I'm better at understanding Spanish then speaking it
  20. I like the pool better than the beach
  21. I want to watch a world cup live
  22. I think rainbows are pretty
  23. I fractured my wrist
  24. I like the color blue
  25. Ice cream is a great breakfast
  26. I get worried to easily
  27. I'm only afraid of the dark when I hear scary noises
  28. I think cats are better than dogs
  29. I want to own a tiger
  30. taking pictures are fun