Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wex Stories

1st Story: The Socratic seminar was not going well when Domenic threw a small but hard looking rock towards me because I wouldn't vote for the prompt he wanted. Luckily I dodged his attack, snuck up behind him, and smashed his head on the table, it was so hard that I knocked him out. I could feel the tension surrounding us, the evil glares and smirks, it was like a bunch of flesh eating zombies ready to devour me. It was Domenic's team verses mine.
I was confused when Jeffrey threw some Victoria's secret lotion at my face. I recognized the vanilla scent and I immediately knew it was Capri transformed to look like Jeffrey. I snatched Capri's glasses and I stopped her from using her magical glasses. She was useless with out them. "Watch out!." A small hand had pushed and, it was Luz. I looked up and found out that she saved me from James poisonous jelly. I quickly got up and pulled his hair. I could hear him yelling stop but he only pretended and squirted jelly on my eyes. I was totally blind.

2nd Story: AH! The princess screamed there were spiders all over her. She jumped up and down to get rid of them. Her palace was a mess, she called her maid but the maid never answered. The princess was getting furious she looked everywhere and saw a pile of dust. She began to panic, she was never on her own before. She went outside and looked around but the whole place was deserted. Her tummy was grumbling, tears came down her cheek because she did not know how to cook. Her hands desperately opened the cabinets and was relived and jumped with joy when she found twinkies. She continued eating more and more of them everyday and she gained a lot of weight. Her hair was greasy because the water was not running and her face began to break out with pimples and warts. She was no longer pretty. She felt so hideous and packed a bag full of twinkies and some jewelery. As she walked through the forest she got lost and was about to faint. All of a sudden a brown old looking truck found her , a middle aged man with a long bearded he asked if she needed a ride she looked up and down at him and squirmed he was no prince charming but the princess was not one to talk. She denied his offer and just as the car was about to leave she said "Wait!"

3rd Story: My name is Manny I'm worthless, not smart, and my presence is unwanted. I have a few friends who I can never be like. I will never be as smart or pretty or talented. I seek so much attention. Inside me is a small person begging to be wanted and intelligent. TALK TO ME!, LOVE ME!, NOTICE ME!. My life suck and always will. That used to be me but I realize that I'm capable of so much. I can't talk to myself this way. If I do my life will be wasted and unhappy. I got to love life so it will love me back.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mexican Fiesta! (cooking with herbs)

Why did we do this?!

In the video that you are about to witness Taylor, Gabe, and I cooked really good Mexican food with fresh herbs. The reason our class grew herbs was so that we can cook more with the herbs we grow. The point of this project is to show others how they can live sustainably by growing herbs and using them in the kitchen. This assignment answers our essential questions because for one not many people like living sustainably because they are to lazy because cooking does require a good amount of time. We can convince others to be more sustainable by showing how fun and easy it is.

Quick recipe Review

The recipe that I chose to make was carne asada tacos. I'm going to write the process below that I went through to make them.
The first thing I did before making them was gathering all the ingredients which were corn tortillas, carne asada, cilantro, lemon, onions, and salt.
1. Cook the carne asada, then cut it into tiny pieces
2. Chop up onions into small squares on a cutting board
3. Rinse Cilantro, then chop the pieces so all of the leaves are bunched together and the stems are together pointing in one direction and cut the fresh cilantro from leaves to stems using a sharp knife and cut them to small pieces.
4. Get a tortilla and heat it up. When you are done heating it place it on a plate.
5. After the carne asada, onions, and cilantro are cut nicely chopped you may put all of them on top of the tortilla.
6. Pour a little salt and lemon juice to give it some flavor.
7. You are now done making your taco, you can now finally eat it, smell it, and enjoy it! :)



By now you are probably wondering if the tacos I made were any good, well they were. I could taste each ingredient dissolving in my mouth, starting with the cilantro. The cilantro gave it a nice kick and it also gave a very nice aroma to the tacos. The next one that I enjoyed was the carne asada which I love a lot! The smell was practically begging me to eat it and it was not at all plain because the lemon and salt gave it flavor. The onions made my breath smell, but on the plus side they were amazing. And of course my meal wouldn't have been a taco with out the yummy corn tortilla. This experience has made me appreciate growing more herbs because the taste so fresh and its pretty easy. I'm definitely going to continue growing herbs and using them in the kitchen.
Thanks Rubios!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A nice story
I really liked this story because I could relate to the author about wondering about life. I have always thought about philosophy and I find it very intresting.

Monday, April 27, 2009

recipes you can make with fresh herbs!

I love food and a great way to give flavor and make your food come to life is by using herbs! four recipes that I definitely would like to make is tacos with cilantro and cayenne peppers to give it some of that spice! Taco recipe yum!

I also think that guacamole would be great with some lemon thyme and all the other goodies you mix up to make a good guacamole.

The next recipe is garlic bread.garlic bread
The last recipe I'm going to share is fresh pesto made with basil leaves which goes great on any pasta. Pesto Sauce

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sustainability visit

1. What is your name and your role here at the community garden?
2. Why do you choose to shop garden here and support this CSA?
Because I like to garden as a hobby and I love the taste of fresh organic tomatoes.
3. When did you first start coming here?
9 years ago.
4. Do you garden at home and why?
No I do not because I don't have the yard space needed.
5. How did you find out about this place?
Riding my bike, I came across the the sign of OB Community Garden.
6. What would be your advice to get others to do what you do?
Have a lot of time and get information from the Internet in how to garden so that you do a good job from the start.

What struck you about the location you visited? Was it what you expected, or very different?
I chose to visit a community garden and it was just what I expected because it had all these plants, fruits, and vegetables grown around.
Do you think you will start going to a farmers market more often? Or using a community garden? Or supporting a CSA?
After looking at the garden I think I will start to because you can save money and I also heard that the fruits and vegetables you get from there taste so much more fresh and delicious.

How do these locations fit into our essential questions of “Why Don’t People Live More Sustainably?” and “How Can I Convince them to do So?”
Because some people try to live sustainably by growing their own vegetables.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ecological intelligence

What is ecological intelligence?

To me ecological intelligence is to be informative about green products and knowing whether it's really environmentally friendly or not. Many companies say that their product is green and good for the planet however its not exactly true. Ecological intelligence is very nice to have because you have more knowledge about what is really green and what is not.
How does this article connect to our project’s Essential Questions?

Well one of the questions was how can we live more sustainably? I think that connected because the author of the article was explaining that a lot of us buy stuff thinking it's green how ever it's actually not as green as we think and uses many chemicals or some other bad thing, so he shares how we can be more knowledgeable by watching our actions. The second question is how can we convince people to live more sustainably well as I said before the author gives us tips on how we can be more knowledgeable and if we show people about recycling or any other positive thing for our earth then people are most likely going to want to do something about it.
How high is your ecological intelligence?
I would have to say that mines is kind of low because I don't think about living sustainable that much however at the moment it is increasing and I would like to increase my knowledge about living sustainable.