Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sustainability visit

1. What is your name and your role here at the community garden?
2. Why do you choose to shop garden here and support this CSA?
Because I like to garden as a hobby and I love the taste of fresh organic tomatoes.
3. When did you first start coming here?
9 years ago.
4. Do you garden at home and why?
No I do not because I don't have the yard space needed.
5. How did you find out about this place?
Riding my bike, I came across the the sign of OB Community Garden.
6. What would be your advice to get others to do what you do?
Have a lot of time and get information from the Internet in how to garden so that you do a good job from the start.

What struck you about the location you visited? Was it what you expected, or very different?
I chose to visit a community garden and it was just what I expected because it had all these plants, fruits, and vegetables grown around.
Do you think you will start going to a farmers market more often? Or using a community garden? Or supporting a CSA?
After looking at the garden I think I will start to because you can save money and I also heard that the fruits and vegetables you get from there taste so much more fresh and delicious.

How do these locations fit into our essential questions of “Why Don’t People Live More Sustainably?” and “How Can I Convince them to do So?”
Because some people try to live sustainably by growing their own vegetables.


Ms. Charlotte said...

I think you are the first person to go to a community garden as opposed to a farmer's market. It was great to read your perspective of what you experienced. Will you show me the photo tomorrow or try again to upload it? Let me know once you have it uploaded!

Brandy said...

I like the way you explained what was at the farmer's market. Also when you saw the gardens, you decided that you are going to start your own.

Austin said...

As Charlotte said, I found the fact that you went to a CSA pretty awesome, especially since everyone pretty much just went to a Farmer's Market!!

Austin+Livy forever <3