Saturday, September 20, 2008

Very Epic

An Epic is a long poem that describes a hero and his/her achievements. It 's something heroic and is most likely a big deal.

Some of the examples that I considered epic was on lines 53-56 when Apollo listens to his priest Cyryses prayers and takes actions and attacks the camp. I thought it showed he was helping Chryses.
An other example was when Achilles stands up and talks back to Agamemnon, because his ranks probably wouldn't stand up to him. That was on lines 159-181.
My third example is on lines 335-338 when Agamemnon says he is going to take Achilles girl but on lines 366 Achilles prays to his mother Thetis and ask for help so I think that it was heroic to ask for help instead of thinking he can do everything by himself.

In this picture it shows someone giving a helping hand I think that anyone who decides to help someone out is doing something heroic.

1 comment:

Ms. Charlotte said...

Hurray! A connection to 'heroes' and epics. Isn't that what this whole project is about? I agree with you when you say that it's heroic, dare we say 'epically heroic' to help others!