Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ecological intelligence

What is ecological intelligence?

To me ecological intelligence is to be informative about green products and knowing whether it's really environmentally friendly or not. Many companies say that their product is green and good for the planet however its not exactly true. Ecological intelligence is very nice to have because you have more knowledge about what is really green and what is not.
How does this article connect to our project’s Essential Questions?

Well one of the questions was how can we live more sustainably? I think that connected because the author of the article was explaining that a lot of us buy stuff thinking it's green how ever it's actually not as green as we think and uses many chemicals or some other bad thing, so he shares how we can be more knowledgeable by watching our actions. The second question is how can we convince people to live more sustainably well as I said before the author gives us tips on how we can be more knowledgeable and if we show people about recycling or any other positive thing for our earth then people are most likely going to want to do something about it.
How high is your ecological intelligence?
I would have to say that mines is kind of low because I don't think about living sustainable that much however at the moment it is increasing and I would like to increase my knowledge about living sustainable.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My groups data on recycling

The thing that struck me about the data we received was that a lot of people do try to influence their friends and family by asking them to and educating them.
I was surprised that many people that many people knew a pizza box couldn't be recycled if it was used because I thought it could and I was surprised that 79.5% of people do something good for the planet pother than recycling I thought that there would be many more people who do something else, How ever I thought it was interesting that the people who did do something nice for the planet other than recycling did a lot of good stuff like turn off water and plant gardens and use solar panels I thought it was pretty cool.
My expectations were to see a lot of people to say yes that they can make a difference if they recycle and 84.6% said yes which was good so I did meet my expectations.
I noticed that a lot of people said that if there were more recycling bins out side than they would definitely recycle and if they saw more people recycling so the type of add campaign I plan to use us encouraging them so that they will be more motivated.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Go green Survey

Please take this survey if you are in the ages between 13-19. It well help us a lot, Thanks! :)
Survey Link Here

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Dervaes

When I saw this movie one of the things that shocked me was that the only electricity they used was for their refrigerator I thought that was really interesting because normally everyone uses electricity for light and cooking appliances. An other thing that surprised me was how successful and happy the family looked.
I think the Dervaes family needs vs. want sheets would probably have more needs than wants because they have limited because hey have limited items and they seem satisfied and most of the stuff they own our stuff that is needed.
The Dervaes family fit into Ishmael because if you look on pg. 54 Ishmael talks aboit keeping food under lock and key and in order to get that food the dancers would dance for it, so it relates to our world that we buy food but by growing food we could save money and car miles from going ton a store and we could be more healthy.
Overall I think that they way they live is very simple and very helpful to the environment if you check out this website it shows you several ways in going green and great info. about making a difference.