Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Semester Goals

1. How are you different now than when you started school in August?

I have took my work more seriously and I learned better writing skills that will help me write good essays. I have also learned how to be more neat and professional, I used to have sloppy work. I have also improved on writing reflections for my projects because I never had to do that before so it was good for me to learn that, and I now focus on my work more.

2. What skills do you think are the most important for succeeding in Humanities? Why?

I defenitlly think that any type of writing skills will help because they will be handy not only for Humanities but for life overall. An other skill is to take notes, I have took a few and have found it very helpful especially on test.

3. One thing I would like to improve on this semester is.... really making sure that I understand my work and making sure it's right rather than guessing.
I am going to do this by.... asking my teacher for help, staying after school hours if needed, and to take more notes.

4. What are you most curious about? If you could study any topic, what would you study and why?

I would love to learn about other cultures like their food, the way they live and their languages, I want to learn many languages and traveling the world some day so it would be fun.

1 comment:

Ms. Charlotte said...

Oh, I know what you mean. I love eating new food and learning about new cultures.