Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dialectic journals Book 7

"Surely no sight beneath heaven, not Troy under siege, nor the war of the gods and Titans itself, could have equaled in scale that which now spread our vision."

To me it's saying that the Spartans wouldn't see anything like this on earth it was out of this world. So when it says that not even the war of the gods and Titans itself could compare to what they laid eyes on it made me think wow they must have seen a whole lot of Persians. I like how the author turned this sentence into something so detailed instead of a boring sentence like, "There was so many Persians." instead of picturing hundreds or even thousands of Persians I pictured many more than that amount.
After reading that I plan to use something similar to that into my writing it really makes it come to life.
It also makes me admire the Spartans more because most people would just chicken out seeing that amount and give up but there was no way that they would leave, they would die for this.

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