Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dialectic Journals Book7 Pt. 2

"On the second day I saw Alpheus and Maron take out six men of the foe so fast that the last two were dead before the first pair hit the ground."

haha this kind of reminded me of a yo mama joke. Anyways It gave me a lot of information about how strong the Spartans were. For me I just had like a short video in my mind of two Spartans taking out two pairs and the last pair hits the ground before the other one is dead. It makes me think more of the way Spartans fight. They are so strong and all those warriors war is what they do it's there thing and they know how to fight. So when you think of two people against six you think that the six are going to win for sure but the Persians were weak sauce and nothing compared to the Spartans!

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