Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dialectic Journals pt.2

Ch.5, pg.38

"Tripod kept taking it and taking it. The flesh of his back had been torn through in a dozen places; you could see tissue and fascia, rib cage and muscle and even the spine. He would not go down. "Pitch!" his two commanders kept urging between blows, meaning let go of the bar and fall. Tripod refused."

Wow when I first read this I was so startled. I really liked how the author described Tripod's pain I could easily picture it and I could see guts and the flesh, it made me have goosebumps just reading it. What really amazed me was that he refused to pitch. I know I wouldn't last a second at his possession and I would have pitched a long time ago but this guy just kept getting beaten and beaten and wouldn't fall. I think Tripod was so strong.

One question that was on my mind while I was reading this was why is doing this to his body?, what is he trying to get from all this? Overall I think the author did a great job on showing us an extraordinary image with just writing.

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