Friday, October 3, 2008

this weekend I might......

Go to a Bonfire! last Wednesday was my friends birthday and she didn't really want a party but her friends and I insisted that we should have a bonfire. If it rains again I hope we can cope with the droplets dropping on the hot fire. I wonder if it will be windy and warm? I can't wait hear Cindy's clownish jokes as usual but the thing I'm looking forward to the most is the food full of flavor! I want to taste something terrific and tremendous, Perhaps some scrumptious sweet and sour shrimp! ah the sweet smell, and a huge veggie hot dog with habenero sauce.

I assume the bonfire will be in a dark small park. There will probably be a few people attending the bonfire. I hope it wont be boring and quiet, I want loudness and more, running and laughter like a little kid again. I hope I go otherwise for sure I will mope :( I look forward for the day to
come and even if it doesn't happen I will still have a mini feast at my place.

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