Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Were my Predictions right?

Before I read Secret Life of Bees our class had to make predictions on what we thought the book was going to be about based on looking at the cover and reviews. My predictions were pretty accurate. One of my predictions that was really accurate was when I said that this book was full of detailed writing based on the reviews I read, and when I started reading the book I found out I was right because the author Sue Monk Kid wrote really great writing that could make you feel like you were in the story for example on pg.38 it says, "You don't scare me," I repeated, louder this time. A brazen feeling had broken loose in me, a daring something that had been locked up in my chest. I thought those two lines made me see Lily's reaction and you could tell that she had courage to talk back.
Even though that prediction went well I predicted a couple of things that were kinda off. I said that its gonna be about 5 girls and a bunch of bees, there were five girls and bees but there was way more to offer than that so I really thought the book was going to be boring but I ended up liking the book.

1 comment:

Ms. Charlotte said...

Isn't it crazy how just TWO lines can make you see so clearly?